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Better Place Forests partners with the Arbor Day Foundation to Restore Forested Land

日期 03/06/24

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杰夫•萨勒姆, Director of Communications & Public Relations,   电子邮件

LINCOLN, Nebraska (March 6, 2024) – Better Place Forests entered a partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation to further its sustainable mission. The partnership will help protect and support reforestation efforts so future generations can enjoy the healing power of nature.

Better Place Forests is America’s first conservation Memorial Forest company, where ashes can be returned to the earth at a Memorial Tree in a protected forest. Families and individuals choose Better Place Forests because they want a sustainable alternative to cemeteries. They want a natural way to honor someone after death and are committed to preserving American forest land.

For each Memorial Tree chosen, Better Place Forests will plant 25 - 500 saplings in partnership with Arbor Day Foundation. These saplings will be planted in areas impacted by deforestation and forest fires.

“This is a unique opportunity for families to simultaneously honor their lost loved ones and help protect and restore critical forestland,丹·兰博说, chief executive of the Arbor Day Foundation. “Better Place Forests shares the Foundation’s commitment to the healing power of nature and we’re excited to partner with them on this meaningful work.”

Better Place Forests will support several reforestation projects, including the Rim Fire recovery project. The Rim Fire was the largest wildfire in Sierra Nevada history. It consumed over 257,000 acres in Stanislaus and Yosemite National Park. The contributions provided by Better Place Forests will help restore the canopy and sustain local wildlife.

“The forests are the heart of our company, so finding a partner like the Arbor Day Foundation is a natural fit,” said Adam Tibbs, CEO of Better Place Forests. 在他们的帮助下, we can honor the people laid to rest in the forest with the gift that keeps giving: more trees.” 

Better Place Forests is committed to rethinking the end-of-life experience through a natural and sustainable lens. People who choose a Memorial Tree typically have 森林纪念, an intimate ceremony in which people participate in mixing ashes with local soil, and returning the ashes to the earth. Forest Memorial guests also plant native wildflower seeds as a symbol of new life.

For more information about the Arbor Day Foundation’s reforestation projects, visit craftsplusart.com.

About the Arbor Day Foundation

成立于1972年, the Arbor Day Foundation is the largest nonprofit membership organization dedicated to planting trees. Together with our partners, we have helped plant more than 500 million trees in neighborhoods, 社区, cities and forests throughout the world. Our vision is to lead toward a world where trees are used to solve issues critical to survival. Through our members, partners and programs, the Arbor Day Foundation inspires people across the globe to plant, nurture and celebrate trees. More information is available at craftsplusart.com.

About Better Place Forests

 成立于2018年, Better Place Forests is America’s first conservation forest memorial company, creating natural final resting places in protected forests. For more information on Better Place Forests and its sustainable end-of-life options, please visit betterplaceforests.com.

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